Setting up the workspace

# ==============================================================================
# * Libraries
# ==============================================================================



eval_again = FALSE # setting to FALSE for lines that have been executed already
                   # and which I don't want to run each time I knit


# ==============================================================================
# * Read in GPS data with foraging info
# ==============================================================================
eobs = readRDS("data/gps_forage.RDS") %>%
    rbindlist() %>%
    filter(forage_pts) %>%

colnames(eobs) [ colnames(eobs) %in% ""] = "lat"
colnames(eobs) [ colnames(eobs) %in% "location.long"] = "lon"

lotek = readRDS("data/gps_lotek.RDS")
# lotek$forage_pts = NA
colnames(lotek) [ colnames(lotek) %in% "Latitude"] = "lat"
colnames(lotek) [ colnames(lotek) %in% "Longitude"] = "lon"

cols = names(lotek)[ names(lotek) %in% names(eobs)]

lotek = lotek[ , cols]
eobs = eobs[ , cols]

gps_pts = rbind(lotek[ , cols], eobs[ , cols])
# note, lotek has no forage pts, hence they're all NA

p = st_as_sf(gps_pts, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs=4326)
p = as(p, "Spatial")

if(eval_again) {
    # Export shapefile for GRASS to work with
    writeOGR(p, dsn="data/gis/gps_pts", layer="gps_pts",
             driver="ESRI Shapefile", overwrite_layer = TRUE) 

# ==============================================================================
# * WDPA
# ==============================================================================
wdpa = readOGR("data/gis/WDPA_Feb2019_TZA-shapefile/",
               layer = "WDPA_Feb2019_TZA-shapefile-polygons")

wdpa = wdpa[ wdpa$MARINE == 0, ]

cols_keep = c("NAME","DESIG_ENG","DESIG_TYPE","IUCN_CAT",
              "STATUS", "STATUS_YR", "GOV_TYPE", "OWN_TYPE", "MANG_AUTH",

wdpa = wdpa[ cols_keep ]
str(wdpa@data) # all are factors
wdpa@data[] = lapply(wdpa@data, as.character)
wdpa$STATUS_YR = as.numeric(wdpa$STATUS_YR)

map_wdpa = function(poly) {
    map = leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
        addPolygons(data = poly,
                    weight = 0.2,
                    popup = ~paste0("name: ", poly$NAME, "<br>",
                                    "desig: ", wdpa$DESIG_ENG, "<br>",
                                    "MANAG_AUTH: ", poly$MANG_AUTH))


# * Subset wdpa
wdpa_export = wdpa[ wdpa$DESIG_ENG %in% c("Game reserve",
                                   "Nature Reserve",
                                   "Forest Reserve",
                                   "National Park"), ]

wdpa_export = wdpa_export[ wdpa_export$MANG_AUTH != "Not Reported", ]


# Export WDPA shapefile for GRASS to work with
if(eval_again) {
writeOGR(wdpa_export, dsn="data/gis/WDPA/", layer="wdpa_prune",
         driver="ESRI Shapefile")

GDAL and GRASS code for calculating distances

GDAL code

# proj string: +proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs
# from:


cd $dir


gdalinfo $file_wgs

# Change the CRS from WGS84 to UTM 37S
gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=37 +south +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' $file_wgs $file_utm

gdalinfo $file_utm

# Change resolution to 100 by 100 m
gdalwarp -tr 100 -100 -r max $file_utm $file_100m 

gdalinfo $file_100m

# delete big $file_utm
rm $file_utm

# make polygons
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# distances can be calculated from rasters as well, but I'm creating polygons
# and subsetting built-up areas for visualization, etc as well. $file_100m tza_guf_poly.shp

GRASS code

# ==============================================================================
# * Getting distances of GUF and WDPA from GPS points 
# ==============================================================================
# New grass location based on GUF layer (to match extent and projection)
# ==============================================================================
grass70 -c ~/projects/papers/fruit-bat/data/gis/guf_tza/tza_guf_poly.shp ~/grassdata/paper_fruit-bat/
# *** Open grass location created above
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
grass70  ~/grassdata/paper_fruit-bat/PERMANENT

# *** g.gisenv
# LOCATION_NAME=bat-track_tza
# GISDBASE=/Users/nistara/grassdata
# GUI=text
# PID=73234

# *** g.proj -p
# -PROJ_INFO-------------------------------------------------
# name       : WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_37S
# datum      : wgs84
# ellps      : wgs84
# proj       : utm
# zone       : 37
# south      : defined
# no_defs    : defined
# -PROJ_UNITS------------------------------------------------
# unit       : Meter
# units      : Meters
# meters     : 1

# *** Pre-GRASS setup
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Refer to src/
# 1. It changes CRS from WGS84 to UTM 37S.
#    out = tza_utm.tif
# 2. Change resoution to 100 by 100 m (from 12 by 12 m)
#    out = tza_utm_100m.tif

# *** Import guf_tza_poly_utm37S
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ input=/Users/nistara/projects/papers/fruit-bat/data/gis/guf_tza/tza_guf_poly.shp layer=tza_guf_poly output=guf_tza_poly_utm37S

# *** Import gps_pts and WDPA (pruned)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gps_pts is combined e-obs and lotek GPS fixes
v.import input=/Users/nistara/projects/papers/fruit-bat/data/gis/gps_pts/gps_pts.shp --overwrite 

v.import input=/Users/nistara/projects/papers/fruit-bat/data/gis/WDPA/wdpa_prune.shp  --overwrite

g.list vect -p 

# *** Extract urban areas from guf polygon
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ guf_tza_poly_utm37S | head

# NOTE: DN is the column name with the values (urban = 255)
v.extract input=guf_tza_poly_utm37S output=guf_urban -d where="(DN = 255)" --overwrite

# *** Get distances
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ gps_pts | head guf_urban | head wdpa_prune | head

v.db.addcolumn gps_pts columns="dist_guf double precision"
v.distance from=gps_pts to=guf_urban upload=dist column=dist_guf

v.db.addcolumn gps_pts columns="dist_wdpa double precision","wdpa_name text"
v.distance from=gps_pts to=wdpa_prune upload=dist,to_attr \
       column=dist_wdpa,wdpa_name to_colum=NAME

# *** Export csv file with distances
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rm $csv_dir/dist_gps.csv
db.out.ogr input=gps_pts output=$csv_dir/dist_gps.csv \

Summarize distance information

# ==============================================================================
# * Read in data with distance info (done in GRASS)
# ==============================================================================
gps_dist = read.csv("data/dist_gps.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
moro_roost = which(gps_dist$roost)
df = gps_dist[ -moro_roost, ]
df$site = ifelse(grepl("M", df$tagID), "Morogoro", "Kilombero")

# kilombero
kilo = df[ df$site %in% "Kilombero", ]
kilo_eobs = kilo[ !$forage_pts), ]
kilo_lotek = kilo[$forage_pts), ]

# morogoro
moro = df[ df$site %in% "Morogoro", ]

dist_l = list(kilo_eobs = kilo_eobs, kilo_lotek = kilo_lotek, moro = moro)

# ** Information about forage/feed-roost fixes in built-ip areas
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
guf_dist = lapply(dist_l, function(df) {
    data.frame(dist_0 = sum(df$dist_guf == 0),
               dist_100 = sum(df$dist_guf <= 100),
               all_forage = nrow(df),
               percent_100 = sum(df$dist_guf <= 100)/nrow(df) * 100)

mapply(cbind, guf_dist, "site" = names(dist_l), SIMPLIFY=F) %>% rbindlist
##    dist_0 dist_100 all_forage percent_100       site
## 1:    126      232        505    45.94059  kilo_eobs
## 2:     27       30         34    88.23529 kilo_lotek
## 3:     57       77        105    73.33333       moro
guf_ind_bat = lapply(dist_l, function(df) {
    df_summary = df %>%
        dplyr::select(tagID, dist_guf) %>%
        group_by(tagID) %>%
        summarize(dist_100 = sum(dist_guf <= 100),
               all_forage = n(),
               percent_100 = sum(dist_guf <= 100)/all_forage * 100) %>%

## $kilo_eobs
##   tagID dist_100 all_forage percent_100
## 1 K5309       40        150    26.66667
## 2 K5310       10         84    11.90476
## 3 K5311       21         25    84.00000
## 4 K5312       35         45    77.77778
## 5 K5313       99        108    91.66667
## 6 K5315        0         12     0.00000
## 7 K5317        0         48     0.00000
## 8 K5319       27         33    81.81818
## $kilo_lotek
##     tagID dist_100 all_forage percent_100
## 1 K166359       10         11    90.90909
## 2 K166361        8          8   100.00000
## 3 K166363        0          3     0.00000
## 4 K166366       12         12   100.00000
## $moro
##     tagID dist_100 all_forage percent_100
## 1 M166358       19         25    76.00000
## 2 M166362        2          4    50.00000
## 3 M166364        4          4   100.00000
## 4 M166365        6          6   100.00000
## 5 M166367        7          9    77.77778
## 6 M166369       11         11   100.00000
## 7 M166370       15         15   100.00000
## 8 M166371       11         11   100.00000
## 9 M166372        2         20    10.00000
# ** Information about forage/feed-roost fixes in protected areas
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
wdpa_dist = lapply(dist_l, function(df) {
    wdpa_df = df[ df$dist_wdpa <= 100, ]
    df_n = nrow(df)
    wdpa_df %>%
        group_by(wdpa_name) %>%
        summarize(n= n()) %>% %>%
               all_forage = df_n,
            percent_n = n/df_n * 100)

mapply(cbind, wdpa_dist[ c(1, 3)], "site" = names(dist_l)[c(1, 3)], SIMPLIFY=F) %>%
##                           wdpa_name   n all_forage percent_n      site
## 1:             Mikumi National Park  12        505  2.376238 kilo_eobs
## 2: Udzungwa Mountains National Park 152        505 30.099010 kilo_eobs
## 3:                         Nyandira  11        105 10.476190      moro
wdpa_areas = lapply(dist_l, function(df) {
    df_summary = df %>%
        group_by(tagID) %>%
        summarize(total = n())
    wdpa_df = df[ df$dist_wdpa <= 100, ]
    df_n = nrow(df)
    wdpa_df %>%
        group_by(tagID, wdpa_name) %>%
        summarize(n= n()) %>% %>%
        left_join(df_summary, "tagID") %>%
        mutate(percent_n = n/total * 100)

## $kilo_eobs
##   tagID                        wdpa_name  n total percent_n
## 1 K5309 Udzungwa Mountains National Park 81   150  54.00000
## 2 K5310 Udzungwa Mountains National Park 58    84  69.04762
## 3 K5312 Udzungwa Mountains National Park  8    45  17.77778
## 4 K5313 Udzungwa Mountains National Park  5   108   4.62963
## 5 K5317             Mikumi National Park 12    48  25.00000
## $kilo_lotek
## [1] tagID     wdpa_name n         total     percent_n
## <0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
## $moro
##     tagID wdpa_name n total percent_n
## 1 M166358  Nyandira 9    25        36
## 2 M166372  Nyandira 2    20        10
# NOTE: foraging is near urban, but it also means that there's s much fragmentation that urban areas are near protected areas